[][src]Constant places::api::matcher::ORIGIN_SQL

const ORIGIN_SQL: &str = "
    SELECT IFNULL(:prefix, prefix) || moz_origins.host || '/' AS url,
            moz_origins.host || '/' AS displayURL,
            :searchString AS searchString
    FROM (
        SELECT host,
                TOTAL(frecency) AS host_frecency,
                (SELECT TOTAL(foreign_count) > 0 FROM moz_places
                WHERE moz_places.origin_id = moz_origins.id) AS bookmarked
        FROM moz_origins
        WHERE host BETWEEN :searchString AND :searchString || X'FFFF'
        GROUP BY host
        HAVING host_frecency >= :frecencyThreshold
        UNION ALL
        SELECT host,
                TOTAL(frecency) AS host_frecency,
                (SELECT TOTAL(foreign_count) > 0 FROM moz_places
                WHERE moz_places.origin_id = moz_origins.id) AS bookmarked
        FROM moz_origins
        WHERE host BETWEEN 'www.' || :searchString AND 'www.' || :searchString || X'FFFF'
        GROUP BY host
        HAVING host_frecency >= :frecencyThreshold
    ) AS grouped_hosts
    JOIN moz_origins ON moz_origins.host = grouped_hosts.host
    ORDER BY frecency DESC, id DESC
    LIMIT 1