const CREATE_SHARED_TEMP_TABLES_SQL: &str = "-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public\n-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this\n-- file, You can obtain one at\n\n-- This file defines temp tables shared between the main and Sync connections.\n\n-- This table is used, along with moz_places_afterinsert_trigger, to update\n-- origins after places removals. During an INSERT into moz_places, origins are\n-- accumulated in this table, then a DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsinsert_temp\n-- will take care of updating the moz_origins table for every new origin. See\n-- CREATE_PLACES_AFTERINSERT_TRIGGER_ORIGINS below for details.\nCREATE TEMP TABLE moz_updateoriginsinsert_temp (\n place_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n prefix TEXT NOT NULL,\n host TEXT NOT NULL,\n rev_host TEXT NOT NULL,\n frecency INTEGER NOT NULL\n);\n\n\n\n-- This table is used (along with moz_updateoriginsupdate_temp) in a similar way\n-- to moz_updateoriginsinsert_temp, but for deletes, and triggered via\n-- moz_places_afterdelete_trigger.\n--\n-- When rows are added to this table, moz_places.origin_id may be null. That\'s\n-- why this table uses prefix + host as its primary key, not origin_id.\nCREATE TEMP TABLE moz_updateoriginsdelete_temp (\n prefix TEXT NOT NULL,\n host TEXT NOT NULL,\n frecency_delta INTEGER NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (prefix, host)\n) WITHOUT ROWID;\n\n-- This table is used (along with moz_updateoriginsdelete_temp) in a similar way\n-- to moz_updateoriginsinsert_temp, but for updates to places\' frecencies, and\n-- triggered via moz_places_afterupdate_frecency_trigger.\n--\n-- When rows are added to this table, moz_places.origin_id may be null. That\'s\n-- why this table uses prefix + host as its primary key, not origin_id.\nCREATE TEMP TABLE moz_updateoriginsupdate_temp (\n prefix TEXT NOT NULL,\n host TEXT NOT NULL,\n frecency_delta INTEGER NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (prefix, host)\n) WITHOUT ROWID;\n";