[−][src]Type Definition rc_log_ffi::ios::LogCallback
type LogCallback = unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32, _: *const c_char, _: *const c_char);
Type of the log callback provided to us by swift. Takes the following arguments:
Log level (an i32).
Tag: a (nullable) nul terminated c string. The callback must not free this string, which is only valid until the the callback returns. If you need it past that, you must copy it into an internal buffer!
Message: a (non-nullable) nul terminated c string. The callback must not free this string, which is only valid until the the callback returns. If you need it past that, you must copy it into an internal buffer!
This is equivalent to the callback java uses except it cannot return 1/0 for disabling. Instead, the swift bindings allow calling disable from the callback (which is more difficult for the java bindings).