[][src]Struct ffi_support::ByteBuffer

#[repr(C)]pub struct ByteBuffer {
    len: i64,
    data: *mut u8,

ByteBuffer is a struct that represents an array of bytes to be sent over the FFI boundaries. There are several cases when you might want to use this, but the primary one for us is for returning protobuf-encoded data to Swift and Java. The type is currently rather limited (implementing almost no functionality), however in the future it may be more expanded.


Note that the order of the fields is len (an i64) then data (a *mut u8), getting this wrong on the other side of the FFI will cause memory corruption and crashes. i64 is used for the length instead of u64 and usize because JNA has interop issues with both these types.

Drop is not implemented

ByteBuffer does not implement Drop. This is intentional. Memory passed into it will be leaked if it is not explicitly destroyed by calling [ByteBuffer::destroy], or [ByteBuffer::destroy_into_vec]. This is for two reasons:

  1. In the future, we may allow it to be used for data that is not managed by the Rust allocator*, and ByteBuffer assuming it's okay to automatically deallocate this data with the Rust allocator.

  2. Automatically running destructors in unsafe code is a frequent footgun (among many similar issues across many crates).

Note that calling destroy manually is often not needed, as usually you should be passing these to the function defined by [define_bytebuffer_destructor!] from the other side of the FFI.

Because this type is essentially only useful in unsafe or FFI code (and because the most common usage pattern does not require manually managing the memory), it does not implement Drop.

* Note: in the case of multiple Rust shared libraries loaded at the same time, there may be multiple instances of "the Rust allocator" (one per shared library), in which case we're referring to whichever instance is active for the code using the ByteBuffer. Note that this doesn't occur on all platforms or build configurations, but treating allocators in different shared libraries as fully independent is always safe.


This struct's field are not pub (mostly so that we can soundly implement Send, but also so that we can verify rust users are constructing them appropriately), the fields, their types, and their order are very much a part of the public API of this type. Consumers on the other side of the FFI will need to know its layout.

If this were a C struct, it would look like

struct ByteBuffer {
    // Note: This should never be negative, but values above
    // INT64_MAX / i64::MAX are not allowed.
    int64_t len;
    // Note: nullable!
    uint8_t *data;

In rust, there are two fields, in this order: len: i64, and data: *mut u8.

For clarity, the fact that the data pointer is nullable means that Option<ByteBuffer> is not the same size as ByteBuffer, and additionally is not FFI-safe (the latter point is not currently guaranteed anyway as of the time of writing this comment).

Description of fields

data is a pointer to an array of len bytes. Note that data can be a null pointer and therefore should be checked.

The bytes array is allocated on the heap and must be freed on it as well. Critically, if there are multiple rust shared libraries using being used in the same application, it must be freed on the same heap that allocated it, or you will corrupt both heaps.

Typically, this object is managed on the other side of the FFI (on the "FFI consumer"), which means you must expose a function to release the resources of data which can be done easily using the [define_bytebuffer_destructor!] macro provided by this crate.


len: i64data: *mut u8


impl ByteBuffer[src]

pub fn new_with_size(size: usize) -> Self[src]

Creates a ByteBuffer of the requested size, zero-filled.

The contents of the vector will not be dropped. Instead, destroy must be called later to reclaim this memory or it will be leaked.


This will panic if the buffer length (usize) cannot fit into a i64.

pub fn from_vec(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Self[src]

Creates a ByteBuffer instance from a Vec instance.

The contents of the vector will not be dropped. Instead, destroy must be called later to reclaim this memory or it will be leaked.


This will panic if the buffer length (usize) cannot fit into a i64.

pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8][src]

View the data inside this ByteBuffer as a &[u8].

fn len(&self) -> usize[src]

pub fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [u8][src]

View the data inside this ByteBuffer as a &mut [u8].

pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<u8>[src]

👎 Deprecated:

Name is confusing, please use destroy_into_vec instead

Deprecated alias for [ByteBuffer::destroy_into_vec].

pub fn destroy_into_vec(self) -> Vec<u8>[src]

Convert this ByteBuffer into a Vec, taking ownership of the underlying memory, which will be freed using the rust allocator once the Vec<u8>'s lifetime is done.

If this is undesirable, you can do bb.as_slice().to_vec() to get a Vec<u8> containing a copy of this ByteBuffer's underlying data.


This is safe so long as the buffer is empty, or the data was allocated by Rust code, e.g. this is a ByteBuffer created by ByteBuffer::from_vec or Default::default.

If the ByteBuffer were allocated by something other than the current/local Rust global_allocator, then calling destroy is fundamentally broken.

For example, if it were allocated externally by some other language's runtime, or if it were allocated by the global allocator of some other Rust shared object in the same application, the behavior is undefined (and likely to cause problems).

Note that this currently can only happen if the ByteBuffer is passed to you via an extern "C" function that you expose, as opposed to being created locally.

pub fn destroy(self)[src]

Reclaim memory stored in this ByteBuffer.

You typically should not call this manually, and instead expose a function that does so via [define_bytebuffer_destructor!].


This is safe so long as the buffer is empty, or the data was allocated by Rust code, e.g. this is a ByteBuffer created by ByteBuffer::from_vec or Default::default.

If the ByteBuffer were allocated by something other than the current/local Rust global_allocator, then calling destroy is fundamentally broken.

For example, if it were allocated externally by some other language's runtime, or if it were allocated by the global allocator of some other Rust shared object in the same application, the behavior is undefined (and likely to cause problems).

Note that this currently can only happen if the ByteBuffer is passed to you via an extern "C" function that you expose, as opposed to being created locally.

Trait Implementations

impl Default for ByteBuffer[src]

impl From<Vec<u8>> for ByteBuffer[src]

impl IntoFfi for ByteBuffer[src]

type Value = ByteBuffer

This type must be: Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for ByteBuffer

impl !Send for ByteBuffer

impl !Sync for ByteBuffer

impl Unpin for ByteBuffer

impl UnwindSafe for ByteBuffer

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.