[][src]Function fxaclient_ffi::fxa_begin_pairing_flow

#[no_mangle]pub unsafe extern "C" fn fxa_begin_pairing_flow(
    handle: u64,
    pairing_url: FfiStr<'_>,
    scope: FfiStr<'_>,
    entrypoint: FfiStr<'_>,
    metrics_params: *const u8,
    metrics_params_len: i32,
    error: &mut ExternError
) -> *mut c_char

Request a OAuth token by starting a new pairing flow, by calling the content server pairing endpoint.

This function returns a URL string that the caller should open in a webview.

Pairing assumes you want keys by default, so you must provide a key-bearing scope.


A destructor [fxa_str_free] is provided for releasing the memory for this pointer type.