[−][src]Crate fxaclient_ffi
fxa_authorize_auth_code⚠ | Try to get an OAuth code using a session token. |
fxa_begin_oauth_flow⚠ | Request a OAuth token by starting a new OAuth flow. |
fxa_begin_pairing_flow⚠ | Request a OAuth token by starting a new pairing flow, by calling the content server pairing endpoint. |
fxa_bytebuffer_free | |
fxa_check_authorization_status | Retrieve the refresh token authorization status. |
fxa_clear_access_token_cache | This method should be called when a request made with
an OAuth token failed with an authentication error.
It clears the internal cache of OAuth access tokens,
so the caller can try to call |
fxa_complete_oauth_flow | Finish an OAuth flow initiated by [fxa_begin_oauth_flow]. |
fxa_disconnect | Disconnect from the account and optionaly destroy our device record. |
fxa_ensure_capabilities⚠ | Ensure that the device capabilities are registered with the server. |
fxa_free | |
fxa_from_json | Restore a [FirefoxAccount] instance from an serialized state (created with [fxa_to_json]). |
fxa_gather_telemetry | Gather telemetry collected by FxA. |
fxa_get_access_token | Try to get an access token. |
fxa_get_connection_success_url | Get the url to redirect after there has been a successful connection to FxA. |
fxa_get_current_device_id | Try to get the current device id from state. |
fxa_get_devices | Fetch the devices (including the current one) in the current account. |
fxa_get_ecosystem_anon_id | |
fxa_get_manage_account_url | Get the url to open the user's account-management page. |
fxa_get_manage_devices_url | Get the url to open the user's devices-management page. |
fxa_get_pairing_authority_url | Get the pairing URL to navigate to on the Auth side (typically a computer). |
fxa_get_session_token | Try to get a session token. |
fxa_get_token_server_endpoint_url | Get the Sync token server endpoint URL. |
fxa_handle_push_message | Handle a push payload coming from the Firefox Account servers. |
fxa_handle_session_token_change | Typically called during a password change flow. Invalidate all tokens and get a new refresh token. |
fxa_initialize_device⚠ | Initalizes our own device, most of the time this will be called right after logging-in for the first time. |
fxa_is_in_migration_state | Check if there is migration state. |
fxa_migrate_from_session_token | Migrate from a logged-in sessionToken Firefox Account. |
fxa_new | Creates a [FirefoxAccount]. |
fxa_poll_device_commands | Poll and parse available remote commands targeted to our own device. |
fxa_profile | Fetches the profile associated with a Firefox Account. |
fxa_retry_migrate_from_session_token | Retry the migration attempt using the stored migration state. |
fxa_send_tab | Send a tab to another device identified by its Device ID. |
fxa_set_device_name | Update the display name for the current device. |
fxa_set_push_subscription | Update the Push subscription information for the current device. |
fxa_str_free⚠ | Public destructor for strings managed by the other side of the FFI. |
fxa_to_json | Serializes the state of a [FirefoxAccount] instance. It can be restored later with [fxa_from_json]. |