Crate places_ffi
Version 0.1.0
See all places_ffi's items
Instantiate a places API. Returned api must be freed with places_api_destroy. Returns null and logs on errors (for now).
Public destructor for strings managed by the other side of the FFI.
Execute a query, returning a URL string or null. Returned string must be freed using places_destroy_string. Returns null if no match is found.
Get the interrupt handle for a connection. Must be destroyed with places_interrupt_handle_destroy.
Get an interrupt handle for the PlacesApi's sync connection.
Add an observation to the database. The observation is a VisitObservation represented as JSON. Errors are logged.
Execute a query, returning a Vec<SearchResult> as a JSON string. Returned string must be freed using places_destroy_string. Returns null and logs on errors (for now).